Saturday, December 15, 2012

36 Days Until Takeoff!

First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers are going out to the families and friends of the victims of Newtown, CT. I can't believe the things people do to each other. We need to put God first in our lives and in our world in order to see His amazing power and love at work. Watching the news I see so many people asking "why God let this happen?" He didn't. WE did this. God loves us and wants us to be happy and safe. WE did this. WE took God out of schools. WE took God out of government. WE took God out of our daily lives. WE only let Him in when WE need something or want something. WE did this. Not God.
I haven't updated my blog in a while because information has been slow to come. I've spent the last couple of months making sure I had all my paperwork filled out and turned in, filling out online forms, and making sure I have all my ducks in a row.
Wednesday we had a meeting at FMU for all of the students going abroad in the spring. We got tips on traveling around new countries, went over the paperwork that we still had to do, and asked questions. I'll go back after Christmas break and meet with the professors again before I leave. Got my flight information! I fly out on the 20th of January and fly back on the 7th of June. It will be a nice little break!
It's sort of overwhelming getting so many different lists of things I need to have and do in order to get into the country and the school. I know once I get there I will be so focused on taking in every new thing and I just hope I remember all I have to do! I'll be getting there a few days before Orientation starts at the school in Maynooth so I will be able to adjust to the time change and hopefully explore a little bit!
I'm really excited about going but I think it's still surreal to me. I think once January rolls around it will be more real to me. Right now, I've been getting through exams, I'm focused on Christmas, getting Weldon home, and trying to just recoup after a crazy semester!
I'll update again once it gets closer to my departure! I know everyone will continue to pray for those in CT and everyone affected by the shootings, pray for my brother to have a safe flight home, and pray for those who will not be able to be with their families and friends over Christmas. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year!