Saturday, August 28, 2010

will october ever get here?

as my count down says, i have one month, two weeks and two days until i leave. the closer it gets to my departure the longer i feel it's taking to get here... every single day someone asks what i'm doing and i always end up telling them about americorps. every single day when i walk in my room i see that massive bag of all my stuff sitting in the corner waiting to be shipped to denver and i get more impatient.
luckily, i have my internship which has been taking up a very large portion of my time for the last month. i have to be up at six every morning in order to leave my house by seven and arrive in florence before eight. i think this has been good training getting me ready to be up super early for americorps! i work all day and by the time i get home (more than twelve hours after i woke up) i am so tired i fall asleep wherever i land. unfortunately, i have been so tired after work that i rarely even open my laptop during the week. so, my blogging has been sparse. my apologies. i hope this isn't how i will be when working with americorps... i was thinking about it yesterday and i came up with a solution- i don't know how my time will be spent during the weekdays or how worn out i'll be but i do promise to make a point of setting aside some time every weekend to update my blog and let yall know what i did that week. i think it's stupid to say i'll update my blog during the week since i know from the welcome packet and other things i've read online how busy we'll be, but i think aiming to update it during the weekends is quite possible! but don't be mad at me if i forget sometimes... but luckily, i've found on the facebook chats that it seems everyone else who is blogging is worried about this too so maybe we can hold each other accountable. oh, and there is talk of possibly doing a group blog. i have no clue how that would work and how we would go about posting updates but it sounded cool to me. that would give yall an idea of all the different things that americorps does. if we actually do this i'll post a link to it on my blog, which i would by the way keep.
alright, i'm not sure what else i have to say at the moment. i just felt like i hadn't updated my blog in a while so i was trying to get on top of it!
xoxo, B

Saturday, August 14, 2010


so, today i decided i needed to start getting ready for americorps. i've known for a couple weeks that i'm going but for some reason it just hit me yesterday. so, today i went to florence! and just because i'm excited i decided i'd inform yall of what i got!
  • work gloves
  • luggage tags (pink!)
  • duffel bag
  • three-in-one winter coat
  • long underwear
  • REALLY warm socks
  • hiking boots
  • alarm clock
  • backpack
  • comforter (black and white flowers)
  • two sets of sheets (pink ones and green ones of course!)
  • pillow
  • four towels (pink, green, blue, yellow)
  • washcloths (pink, green, blue, yellow)
  • laundry basket thingy
i think that's all i got... i still need a couple more things but i think for the most part i'm all set now!
it's so odd, i've known i was going but it really hit me yesterday. and i know it's two months off, but my internship won't be done until the second week of september, then it's off to the beach for the family reunion, then it's off to costa rica, then i'll be home for a couple weeks then i'm off to denver! every time i think that it's such a long way off i remember that the time will definitely fly by!
and i keep talking to awesome people who will be there and it just gets me even more excited!
although, today, mr. bobby came over to the house and he was talking to me about denver and he said that i should walk every single day or else when i get to denver since it is so high up i'll get sick :( not only do i not like to walk but i also don't like to vomit. but, if i have to pick one, i'll pick walking any day!
anyways, i think that's all i have to say for now! i'm super tired after a long day of shopping! i'll post again soon but for now i think i'm off to bed... goodnight! :)
xoxo, B

Friday, August 13, 2010

countdown starts now!!!

exactly two months from now i will be in denver, co!!! i am SO excited! :)
i was looking at some other americorps members blogs and i saw one nifty picture on one girls blog so i thought i'd steal that idea!
i mapquested my trip from hartsville, sc to denver, co. it is a 26 hour drive and is 1,663. 75 miles away! wowwww! here's a picture of the map!
 xoxo, B

Monday, August 2, 2010

making new friends!

as i think i mentioned before americorps has a facebook and then they also have a facebook for the nccc group that will be in denver this winter. i'm so excited i found this because so far i have made quite a few friends! it's great getting to talk to people now so when we get there we won't feel so far from home. everyone seems really nice so far and i can't wait to meet more friends!
xoxo, B